Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sibling Weekend

   A few years back we had our 1st Sibling Weekend at Freddy's house in St. Louis, MO. We had such a good time that we decided to do it again. This time we went to the Keys and stayed at Michy & Mark's Vacation Rental Home..."Sunrise Island Resort". Such a pretty place and the sunrises are beautiful.
   Jim had the opportunity to take some great pictures of the place for them to use on the Resorts Website as well as some sibling / family ones. It was a great background for some beautiful pictures.
   It was all very relaxed...we spent our time eating, drinking and catching up. God has blessed me with a wonderful family...great brother, awesome sisters, sweet husband, fantastic sister-in-law and cool brother-in-laws.

Looking forward to our next weekend together...this time at our place.

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